Cyber Liability
Cyber attacks are an increasingly large threat to businesses of all sizes. Clarke Insurance Agency uses state-of-the-art technology to assess the risks your business faces to determine your insurance needs, and then shops the different policies available through several companies. That means we can find a cyber liability insurance policy that matches your coverage needs quickly.
What is Covered by Your Cyber Liability Insurance Policy?
Cyber Liabilty insurance policies can include a lot of coverage options. Typically, a good policy will cover:
Notifying and helping your affected customers
Forensic investigations into the attack
The costs of regulatory fines and penalties
Legal defense and third party claims
Protection of cloud based information
The cost of a PR firm to limit the damage to your company's reputation
Why Your Business Needs Cyber Liability Insurance
In today's world, technology is vital to the operations of nearly every company you can imagine. The rapid expansion of computers and databases has been a great leap forward and provided businesses with many new opportunities, but it has also exposed companies to new forms of risk. The number of cyber attacks on companies has been growing rapidly in recent years--not only on big corporations, but on small businesses too. Being protected against these attacks is crucial to maintaining the security of both company and customer information.
Cyber attacks are not covered under most general liability policies!
Contact Clarke Insurance Agency today at 609-267-1441 to learn more about options that match your unique needs. Our agents have plenty of experiencing searching for policies of all types.